eS Footwear Game Of SKATE world final results

The éS Game of SKATE, presented by Boost Mobile, is officially complete and 14 year-old Carlos Lastra from Hollywood, Calif. reigned victorious after he knocked out each skater with the technical wizardry of his feet. There were more than 13,000 skaters competing in 60 cities in the United States and 50 cities in more than 25 countries around the world and it all came down to Carlos’ last trick where he threw down a Pop-Shove-It Late Flip and snagged himself the title of éS Game of SKATE Amateur World Champion, a Nixon watch and Boost Mobile phone with a free year of service.
Immediately following the Amateur World Finals, the pros had their time to shine in the éS Game of SKATE Pro Finals with $20,000 in loot on the line. It came down to the final four skaters Eric Koston, Chris Cole, Billy Marks and Alex Mizurov. Not before long, Koston and Chris Cole were the only two skaters left and Chris was able to knock out Eric with a nollie backside 360 heelflip to win the éS Game of Skate Pro Finals for a second year in a row and take home the $15,000 first place prize.
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