LRG Spring 10 preview

To be honest our Spring 2010 photoshoot was a last minute idea that came from marketing and design. We wanted to give the consumer an emotional tie by shooting on location with vivid scenenery and cutting edge photography. Spring 2010 was shot in Yosemite National Park. Destination photography is the direction we will be taking moving forward. We rented an R.V. and loaded up it up with people, food and equipment and drove all night until the sun came up. We had no idea what to expect but knew we were going somewhere beautiful and unexplored. Beautiful is an undersatement and creativity was in full bloom. We shot skate team riders Rob Gonzalez, Karl Watson and Kelly Hart and also up and coming artist Mike Posner. It took one day to scout locations and the rest we freestyled. We literally stumbled upon some of mother natures finests. This new direction will give L-R-G a more mature feeling and bring personality and life to our clothing. We think you’ll agree how refined, polished and distinguished the Spring 2010 line looks. We are forever young at heart and our concept will always remain the same. We hope you enjoy! - Jonas Bevacqua & The L-R-G Family
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