Dominique Simon

Anybody remember this Freshjive ad from way back? One of the hottest ad series that came out. 'I photographed Dominique as the second of our series of adult vixens back in 1997. I payed her nothing, but she insisted that her facial reconstructed make up artist get hired on (he was supposedly both Michael Jackson’s and Elizabeth Taylor’s make up artist as well). I shot it in my apartment, and she showed up cracked out of her mind. The shoot almost didn’t go down because she was tripping so hard from all the cocaine she was on. It got pretty tense. I manage to shoot two rolls of 10 shots before the plastic surgery disaster of a make up artist insisted we photograph no more because we said we were only shooting a “couple” rolls. Nonetheless, though it was tough, I was stoked when we developed the film and managed to get the shot.' Rick Klotz
Labels: freshjive

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