Cool for School

As seen on The Succulent Wife. 'I have both a son and a daughter (Lucky me. One of each and I was done!). Needless to say that my daughter has always been – way – more fun to shop for than my son. Boys’ clothing is so predictable and boring. My son has always enjoyed “clowning around” with his personal style. In his early teen years he was trying hard to discover and differentiate his own fashion style from the same-same sea of cargo shorts, board shoes and logo’d tees. Whether it was to wear a neon pink striped beanie, stencil his own tees or to purposely mismatch his bright socks, he always managed to find a creative way to express his style (this mom is soooooo grateful that he didn’t explore the “emo” or goth styles).' Read the full article
Labels: instance, the succulent wife

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