Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Emerica Dust Demon's Tour

Emerica and Timebomb are pleased to announce the Emerica Dust Demon's Tour. The Emerica Skate Team will be in Brandon, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Prince Albert during the month of June. Our day in Winnipeg will coincide with Wild in the Streets. What is Wild in the Streets you ask? Well...
 Wild in the Streets gathers skateboarders of every age, color and creed to converge on city streets around the globe in the celebration of pure skateboarding.
 Wild in the Streets is an unconventional skateboarding event born on the streets of New York City in 2004, and continued in Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Vancouver, Tampa, Montreal, London, Madrid and Los Angeles over the past eight years. Pedestrian jaws dropped at the sight of thousands of skateboarders invading these downtown districts en masse. The premise is simple: meet up with the Emerica team at a local skate shop and go street skating, literally, throughout the city, eventually ending up at a block party barbecue, where the skating continues.
 If you have any questions just ask us over on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TimebombTrading
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