LRG x Coats For Kizzles...thank you!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed to Timebomb Trading and LRG's Coats For Kids campaign, which helped raise almost 250 (!!!) winter coats, mittens, scarves, hats, and snow pants for the South Burnaby Neighborhood House and Burnaby Metrotown Rotary Club.
The people at South Burnaby Neighborhood House (SBNH) were very nice and let Judah and I go along with them to one of their drop-off locations. Photos below. (thanks Judah!!!)

The drop off truck on its way. The SBNH/Burnaby Metrotown Rotary's Coats for Kids campaign collects jackets and donates them to schools as well as agencies like the Burnaby Family Life Institute, which is where we visited.

Parked and ready to roll out with Kimberly Barwich, expert truck driver and Coats for Kids organizer for the SBNH. As you can see, the truck is filled with jackets hung on rolling racks. The kids and their parents come on board and get to do some jacket shopping.

Families can register to receive jackets directly with the SBNH or through their child's school or agencies and community centers like the YWCA.


Hangin while someone else does the shopping. Cute.

Last year, the SBNH collected around 800 jackets in total. Hopefully, your donations helped them to hit bigger numbers this year!

Judah catching a picture of me repping 2 coffees, gettin thangs done.

Inside of the truck. So far this year, the SNBH has visited approximately 30 drop-off locations.
So again, thank you to everyone who helped contribute! It was really cool to see how the whole thing works. You may still donate to the program directly, although Timebomb is no longer accepting donations. Please visit the SNBH website for the address of their office. Drop-offs may be between the hours of 9am-5pm. A special thank-you goes out to the Timebomb staff, Judy and Raiden Louie and the families from Brockton, Boardroom, Gentle Fawn, Global Collective Design/Arson, TNT Agency, JW Sales, and NLA. We could not have raised such an amazing amount of donations without you!
Labels: coats for kids, lrg, timebomb

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