Wild In The Streets 2012 Detroit
Emerica's Wild in the Streets gathers skateboarders of every age, color and creed to converge on city streets around the world in the celebration of pure skateboarding. On Thursday June 21, 2012, join the Emerica team and thousands of skateboarders from around the globe for Emerica's Wild in the Streets in Detroit, Michigan. Check the new video http://youtu.be/xv0OQU2Hp_8
For Wild in the Streets 2012, Emerica has partnered with Power House Productions to benefit their neighborhood revitalization project, RideIt Sculpture Park.
Power House Productions is an artist-run neighborhood-based nonprofit organization. Their mission is to develop and implement creative neighborhood stabilization strategies to revitalize and inspire the community. Their current project, RideIt Sculpture Park, is a do-it-yourself style skatepark built by skateboarders. The goal of the park is to create a space where neighborhood kids and adults can meet, play, create, build and exercise.
Boards For Bros is a group of skateboarders dedicated to collecting and refurbishing skateboards so they can be redistributed back into communities where children cannot afford their own. The beneficiaries of this year's Emerica/Boards For Bros efforts will be the kids of the Power House 'hood. You can help by contributing your old completes, decks, trucks & wheels to Boards for Bros at the following locations. You'll receive a same-day 10% discount on Emerica product for your contribution:
> . Chiipss Skateboards & Apparel
> . Plus Skateboarding
> . Detroit City Skateboards
> . Refuge Skateboard Shop
> . Oakland Vert Skatepark
> . Modern Skate & Surf
> . Tru Class SkateShop
> Additionally, 100 artists will be creating/donating skateboards to be sold at the Good Wood Exhibition, a skateboard deck art fundraising online auction and show. The auction begins on May 19 and final bid date will coincide with the show, on May 26 at 10-22-9 in Hamtramck, MI. 100% of funds raised will go to the initial RideIt Sculpture Park build beginning early June.
> You can also contribute at crowdrise.com/rideit.
> For complete #WITS updates and info, visit Emerica.com/wildinthestreets.